

Beloved Lost Comrade


Born as Star Wars was released, Boz eventually came to the inescapable conclusion that his arrival at the academy was destiny! A former nationally ranked fencer, he has dabbled in martial arts on and off his whole life (holding belts in TKD, Wing Tyun and Ameridote) but he always knew that something was missing. Previous ventures into LARP, Kendo and Kali had teased him with possibilities, but it was only when the lights switched on that the truth became clear: Lightsabers are the way!

A professional fitness instructor, Boz has recovered from serious injury using therapeutic exercise programmes, and he now teaches traditional mindfulness and physical literacy using the Silver Sabres Programme to help people to become healthier and happier!

He says:
‘I feel that finding the SSCA has finally brought this subconscious search to its culmination, bringing my love of sword and martial arts together with my childhood obsession. Now I get to dress as a Sith or Jedi, fight in the arena, perform on stage, using ancient principles to bring something from science fiction to life! All to bring joy to our friends in the crowd. What’s not to love?’

Sadly, in May 2023, Boz was taken from us in a motorcycle accident. His infectious drive to be a better person resonates throughout the academy, and he will forever hold a spot within our top team and within our hearts.

SilverSabres Crest